Monday, October 22, 2007

Baby Hartsell Website

We have decided to do the Babyjellybean website again for this baby. We loved doing Angelica's and it is so much fun to look back at it. The site allows you to get an Archived CD of the entire website you created when you close it. So all the pics, messages from people, journal entries etc are all saved and look just like the site did. We keep it in Angel's baby book and I think she will treasure it when she gets older. So take a should be able to click HERE and get there. If not, go to and then search for First Name: Baby and Last Name: Hartsell. Enjoy and please leave her messages!!

Belated Happy Birthdays...

I realized that I haven't been posting Happy Birthdays to our nieces and nephews....which made me also realize I need updated pics on all of them!! But this past month we had several birthdays to celebrate:Olivia turned the big ONE on September 19th
Miranda turned THREE on October 5th
Lexi (also Jason's goddaughter) turned FOUR on October 18th
Tyler turned 11 on the 20th
Happy Birthday guys, we miss and love you all!!


Let's just say that Angelica is learning that she can now test the limits and rules that she has so obediently followed...she says it all with her eyes and facial expressions usually and mom and dad try not to laugh as we correct her...luckily she is so cute!! The other day this was so funny....
Angelica decided she was going to fight taking a nap for some reason. So she was quite fussy and I brought her into the computer room to play while I tried to get soem book work done. I told her she had to stay in the room with mommy if she wasn't going to take a nap. At one point...she walked over to the doorway, looked at me and with eyebrows raised and eyes staring right at mine...slowly dragged one foot over the open doorway area just to see if I really meant what I said....I can tell these toddler years are going to be lots of fun!!!

Big helper...

The other day we were trying to get ready to go do some errands. Jason and I were with Angelica in her room and told her we needed to change her diaper before we left. So she decided to help...she walked over to her diaper basket, pulled one out...opened it up...put in on the floor and sat her little bum right down on it and pulled it up around her. Then she looked at us as if to say "OK guys, now that that is done, can we go?" We laughed so hard....amazing how fast they learn and catch on to things!!