Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Traditions....

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is bundling up and wearing our Santa hats and going to the local tree farm to find the perfect tree for Christmas. I have always taken this job very seriously and my sisters used to joke me a lot when I would start talking to the trees, naming them make sure we found THE ONE. So yesterday, in the snow flurries and all we went out to find our tree. Angel LOVED it....she actually loved playing with the sticks and rocks and walking all around the farm more than picking out the tree...but when it came time to cut it down...she wanted the honors! So we allowed her "to help!" After we loaded the tree we stopped by the Cider Hut (which Angel calls the little can see a pic in the slide show) and warmed up by the fire and had some hot cider. A fun, COLD day, but we found our "perfect" tree!!

Baby Love

Emma absolutely loves giving ANYTHING, but especially loves babies and the sweet...she loves making the kissing sound "mmmm...mwuh!" And did you notice she finally has enough hair to put a little clip in? So excited!

Growing Girl

Friday, I took Emma in finally for her one year check. (After waiting FOREVER in the doctor's office which isn't recommended with two toddlers) we got her stats:
-21 pounds 13 ounces (50-75%)
-30.75 inches long (90%)
-head is 48.6 cm (still 97%!! - docs comment was, at least she is growing into it!)

(just to compare, at 12 months, Angel was 20 lbs 3 oz, 28.5 in, and head 45 cm)

**this visit also still affirmed for me how thankful I am that I have done so much research on vaccines and issues surrounding them because the nurses couldn't answer ANY of my questions and not even about the one I wanted...UGH...scary when you teach them something and they ask how I know so much...they didn't even know they had different brands and which ones they used!**

Funny Face

Emma has been making this face a lot lately....especially when you make the "huh" or "ohhh" sound....she looks so silly and makes us laugh. Of course, Angel had to show us that she can make the face too!

You thought I was kidding?

Well, can't believe I am posting this....but I think people have thought I was kidding when I have been saying Emma has reached a stage where she just decides to SCREAM....not sure if it is because she is the second born and trying to make herself heard over her sister....maybe it is just the very STRONG will this little one has and strong determination to have things her way...or maybe she just wants to be held all the time lately....because whenever mommy picks her up, she stops...smiles...and is just FINE. Oh boy....hopefully this is a very short stage!!

New Warm Coat

Thanks Marmee!!

The "Perfect" Picture

With a two year old and a one year old, it is very difficult to capture the "perfect" picture....and with EMMA it is almost impossible!! Compared to Angelica, she is hard to get still enough to capture a picture. She just wants to run, move, laugh etc. So the other day I tried to take some shots in hopes of a Christmas Card picture...and just got some very silly sister least I tried...and today we just decided to give JCPenney a chance when we had her one year picture look forward to the card in the mail soon!