Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy (belated) Birthday!

Our niece, September, celebrated her SEVENTH birthday on the 30th!! We can't believe how big and how BEAUTIFUL she is becoming...quite the young lady!! September, we miss and love you lots, hope we can see you again soon. Love this pic...(I stole it from September's mama's site..and that is Aunt Chelle-Chelle with her)

Anniversary Memories

Today would have been my Mamasan and PopPop's 56th Wedding Anniversary. I was thinking about it today and it must be so hard to lose someone and have days like this pass without the person to share it with. I am so glad they were able to celebrate 52 of them together and I know Mamasan is watching over PopPop today and sending him her love and all the happy memories they shared over the years. I am so blessed to have such incredible examples of marriage and commitment as both sets of grandparents have celebrated over 50 years and parents over 30. Days like today make me thankful for the blessings I have in my marriage and the ability to share that every day with my special someone. I hope that PopPop feels the love of Mamasan still surround him and that of his family as well.