Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prayers Please

If you have a moment, please pray for a friend whose father had a heart attack and will be having open heart surgery on Thursday...and his wife and family. Thank you.

Holy Baby

We got this video as one of the girl's Epiphany presents this year, and Angel really enjoys it. I have to keep the language on English only as she doesn't really enjoy the other 6 so she hears the same prayers seven times in a row!! She is learning them (although the Creed still loses her a bit) and loves the pictures that show during the prayers. On the other hand....Emma is a bit terrified when the "Holy Baby" the one dressed like a nun appears and sings...she tends to back away...have to admit the baby does look a little scary....but when we are in need of a video, this is sometimes a much more soothing experience than Barney or Einsteins!!