Friday, November 28, 2008

Off to Nationals in Daytona

Last weekend, we went down to Portland to watch my sister Caitlin play soccer for the first game off the National Tournament. It was a great game and she even had one shot on goal and three assists. They won 5-1 and get to head to Daytona, FL today to continue on their chance to win nationals. It was a little bittersweet because after about 10 years of watching her play soccer, this could have been the last time as she graduates in May. But we are hoping one day maybe she can coach her nieces. We stayed the night so we could have some time visiting and catching up with her and enjoyed hearing her give her testimony at church the net day for Christ the King. Way to go Caitlin and good luck in FL...wish we could be there!! Here are the STATS from the game and definitely READ THIS for the write up and a great pic and comment about Caitlin. And....if you are interested in following them in Nationals you can go to this NAIA site for game times and HERE to pay a fee to watch which games you want to on the computer.
(the slide show has some cute pics of the game)

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