Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve

We were worried most of the day if we were going to get out for Christmas Eve mass. Jason shoveled a path for us to at least get out of our development and we just hoped we could get back home. This weather sure made an interesting, memorable and different end of Advent season and Christmas this year. We heard on the news that the last time there was this much snow on the ground for Christmas Day was in 1865!! The girls looked beautiful in their Christmas dresses (thanks Aunty Megs) and mass was beautiful in our newly renovated church (some pics of it in the slide show). Alli sang in the girls choir and the music was beautiful. It was good to see those friends that were able to make it in, and we missed those that were stuck in the snow!! Angel disappeared when we were talking in the vestibule....and we found her once continually blessing herself with the holy water and another time....praying in front of Saint Anthony, even though she was saying "Hail Mary!" So cute. We tried to get a few pics in front of the beautiful trees and Angel loves seeing the big nativity at church. When we got home, they were very excited and did some dancing, set out the snacks for Santa and the that Christmas story and then off to bed!! Very thankful we could make it to mass and hoped that it wouldn't snow a lot over night so we could celebrate Christmas day with family!!

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