Thursday, July 23, 2009

Albert - Get Ready

The girls are getting very excited about their cousin Albert (7 months)...who they still call "baby Albert" although I think he is almost as big as Emma now....coming next week and staying with us for my sister's wedding. They have been planning what they will play with him, but most importantly what they want to sing to him....ENJOY.


megs said...

lol- oh my gosh! Too cute. I especially like their rendition of twinkle twinkle. Angel gave Emma this look and the preceded to put her arm around her. I'm cracking up! Albert is going to love the girls. He is OBSESSED with kids and thinks he's one of them. I'm getting super excited- a little frazzled because I haven't started to pack and our flights are a mess, but can't wait to get there!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Your girls are so cute and they do a GREAT job of singing!
Angie K.