Thursday, July 23, 2009

Competition or Encouragement?

Sunday morning we were driving to Sequim and Jason and I were just listening to the girls chatting and interacting in the back. It was very amusing and then got so funny that I almost went pee in my pants! Often I do the "I am going to count to three and then you need to listen...." mom deal. Well, Angelica was not listening to Emma, so Emma started saying, "Angelica, one...two....three, listen?" It was so funny and then Angel started doing it back to Emma. But the next thing that we overheard was even better....
We have been working with Emma on her counting....and she has been doing so well, but always liked to skip certain numbers like three and six....well all of a sudden, she started counting to 10 perfectly....OVER AND OVER again. We were cheering her on and saying, "Good job Emma, so proud of you etc.". All of a sudden, Angel turns to Emma and says:
"Good job Emma Bemma Bunny Boo (which we often call her).....but can you count to ten in Spanish?"
We laughed so hard!! Hoping this is the way they will continue to teach each other things...but have a feeling Angelica was trying to say, nice job sis, but I still have you beat!! When I asked Angel if she could....she acutally made it to five in Spanish.....need to work on the ten!


megs said...

oh my gosh. I just peed my pants!! Well, Albert can't count to ten in any language yet so Emma can take pleasure there! (Although he is fantastic at biting noses). erin you just need to have a tape recorder going at all times so yu can record all these things. It's like a comedy show!

Jenny said...

Looks like a great trip! So fun to see what you all were up to in Sequim.