Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trip Day Three - Happy Anniversary to us!

Today we enjoyed and celebrated our 6 year Anniversary with more lavender fun! Hard to believe that 6 years has already gone by!!!

It was very hot today and we got lots of sun....actually a little too much!! We started the day with stopping at a little Cafe in Port Townsend and enjoyed some yummy pastries and coffee...the girls of course were hoping we were getting some of the yummy looking cakes they saw! Then we were off to the first farm of the day, Cedarbrook Lavender & Herb Farm. I loved their gift shops and we perused their vendors. This farm didn't have as much lavender....but they have a delicious smelling and famous restaurant which was very busy and made me very hungry just watching the plates being served. They had a tent set up with blankets to sit on for the kids and a lady had a story hour where she read about flower fairies especially the lavender ones....and the kids got sprinkled with fairy dust (which Angel LOVED and sprinkled the flowers for a long time after that) and they were given fairies to color etc. Pretty cute.
Next was the Lost Mountain Lavender Farm. The girls loved watching the water wheel they have here and there was a lady doing lavender pottery and they had lots of art and craft tables set up. They also have a beautiful orchard area with lots of vendors. The girls got lavender wants and enjoyed playing with long as they stay away from each other's faces!! We took a nice break and got some more lavender lemonade and some trail mix and a fruit skewer...well Jason and I were hoping to have some fresh fruit but Emma attacked the strawberries and Angel took everything else!! We listened to the live music and enjoyed the shade!!
Then we headed off to the Olympic Lavender Farm, another fun spot. This farm always has llamas there to pet and look at. Angelica LOVED them. She was staring at them forever, especially one that kept doing a funny chewing thing with its mouth. All of a sudden, she said "Mama...I think the llama is chewing gum!" Well that just made everyone around her start laughing and the llama lady was there and said that was the best description she has ever then she started telling everyone that and people were talking about it non-stop. Angelica wasn't quite sure what she had said and why it was so amusing!! In the video below you can hear the people talking about it! The girls found a vendor that makes and sells all kinds of knit kid's hats....they love hats and wanted to try them all on. Too bad they were so expensive or I would have bought several!! We sat down and listened to some more music and Angel again showed off her dance moves and the girls chowed down on a Lavender Hot Dog!! Yes, and it was quite good! We went through the lavender fields...Angel is not scared of the bees anymore so that is good...and then we were off to the last farm.

href="">Jardin du Soleil Lavender Farm
was AMAZING. I could not believe the huge amounts of lavender plots they had in every direction, had to be a couple acres beautiful!!! We tried to get someone to take at least one family picture, but it didn't turn out that great....oh well. The girls got balloons and were amazed how they were staying on their funny to watch. After some walking around and again perusing the vendors and farm....we decided to say goodbye to the farms and go hit the street fair!! We were all getting quite warm as well!!

We actually found a free place to park at the street fair so that was exciting and we loaded the girls into the stroller for the first time all weekend!! So many incredible vendors...always makes me with I had a lot of extra cash and a yard and house to buy things for. I did buy some gifts for certain events I needed so that always feels good. I also found an INCREDIBLE kids booth....and got the girls a book that they LOVE and we have added to our bedtime routine (So cute that I will have to video them using it one day) and got Albert a gift too....cant' wait to give it to him and can't wait to see Megs reaction....hehe. We of course had to pick up some kettle corn and cotton candy and then we were on our way. We made one more stop by one of the farm's gift stores so I could pick up a couple more items I "needed" and then headed to out hotel....we changed to one in Sequim, the Quality Inn & Suites and it was fantastic...we already booked there for next year!!!
They had a great pool so we spent a good couple of hours in there. We got the girls those swimsuits that have the floats in them....worked a bit better at least for Emma. Angel is still a bit scared but they sure enjoyed it. Emma loved the hot tub!! I LOVED being able to swim and I felt so LIGHT that when I started climbing out of the pool I realized really fast how pregnant I am....all the weight hit hard!! We were exhausted after a fun but long day and ate in that night and went to bed!!!

1 comment:

megs said...

oh geesh! Did you buy him a stupid dinosaur?! ERIN!