Thursday, July 9, 2009

Patience and Prayer

The other night Angel had a meltdown at bedtime...I am learning that she is a bit of a perfectionist (have NO idea where she gets that from!) and also very scrupulous (which I am trying to be very aware of). I had forgotten to do part of our bedtime routine and without just vocalizing her concern and being upset that I forgot....she started to fuss and cry. We have this rule we are working on that if she doesn't listen and obey the first time for something then I just continue on with whatever it is and she can choose to join or not. Well, this happened to be right at prayer time. So I continued with our bedtime prayers while I thought she was just pulling an overtired fit. Finally she was able to tell me why she was upset and I apologized that I had forgotten something and talked about how she just needs to talk about it instead of crying. So once that was settled she asked to say her prayers I obliged (how can you say no to that?) and then we finished and I tucked her in. Only to have her start fussing all over again!!! I said, "Angelica Rose, what is the matter this time?". To which she replied: "Mama, I didn't tell Jesus that I was sorry for being disobedient!" So she knelt down and told Jesus she was sorry, blew him a kiss and into bed and sleep she went! I was proud of her connecting the dots and realizing her if I can just get her to do that BEFORE the tantrums!!!

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