Thursday, July 9, 2009

Small Successes, vol.3


1) Yesterday spent a day at Tacoma Mall with family and friends and FOUND a top for my sister's wedding....and in the SAME Color as the bridesmaid dresses. So at least I won't look REALLY ODD and out of the mix (minus the fact that I wont be in the same dress, wearing the same shoes, and will be sporting a big belly!). The best part is I like it, it fits and was on sale for $14!!!! It is quite roomy so I still have room to grow in the next month!

2) Managed to get gifts ordered and they arrived all in time for Angelica's baptism celebration today. Also made life easy and picked up a Mmmmmmmint Chip Coldstone Ice Cream Cake to enjoy tonight!

3) Finally made a decision to NOT have the garage sale we wanted this weekend because we just aren't quite ready (might just wait until after my sister's wedding) and now hubby will be installing a new radiator in our van....luckily he found one at the junkyard for only $75 instead of the $250 we were quoted! Also made plans for our little family / anniversary getaway next weekend to enjoy the Lavender Festival and some down time in Port Townsend!!

1 comment:

M. T. said...

Thanks awesome about the bridesmaid's dress! They can be such a headache, I well know. ;)Thanks for sharing your Successes! :)