Saturday, June 28, 2008

NYC Day 1

Wednesday we started our adventure....getting up very early we were headed to the airport and luckily missed the rush hour traffic. Jason was not fond of saying goodbye to "his girls" but knew we had a mission to go do...go to NYC and help my sister Megs and her hubby set up house!! After getting through the security check which is crazy with two little ones...Caitlin and I were ready for the flight. Angel was very excited about the airplane and sitting in her own seat, although she did not like the fact that she had to be strapped in and couldn't get up and explore. She was very fascinated with the fact that the Airplane book Marmee had gotten her was exactly what she was experiencing on the flight. Once we were in the air, it was less than one hour before both the girls crashed for almost 3 hours!! And of course we just happened to be sitting on the only aisle of seats where the TV screens on our seats were stuck and were not working....especially when they were offering the movies for FREE and with the girls sleeping we could have enjoyed them!! Oh well.....The flight went really fast and we were impressed with Jet Blue. So when we arrived at JFK my sister and her hubby had gotten a car service for us. Well, Caitlin and I felt like royalty walking off the flight and the first thing we saw was a man holding a sign that said "Erin Hartsell". Caitlin laughed because when I saw him I waved and then he shook my hand and starting taking charge. He got a luggage cart and got our bags for us....then proceeded to take us out and keep a parking space free for the driver to come get us curb side. When the Lincoln Town car drove up to load us we got some very peculiar (I say jealous) looks about how we were getting such was so nice with the kids and all the luggage...THANK YOU MEGS AND CHRIS. It was an easy drive to their new apartment (except when our driver insisted we try this new type of gum, and kept offering it and Caitlin finally took a piece but didn't feel she could try it in case it was poisoned.). We were so happy to see Megs and look at her new place. It is VERY nice, feels like a hotel walking in and going up to the 27th floor!! Of course as you can see from the pics in the slide show, the apartment itself needs A LOT of unpacking, organizing and setting up!! Hopefully the pics of it when we leave will show much improvement. We ordered some Teriyaki for dinner (NY food is always so yummy) and when Chris got home from work visited and then went to, well Caitlin and I tried to go to bed but the girls not being sure where they were and in unfamiliar sleeping arrangements had a tough night...just giving Caitlin a good dose of what motherhood is all about!! Overall, a very successful and exciting day!!

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