Saturday, June 28, 2008

NYC Day Two

We started the morning with a MUCH needed big Starbucks and then ATTACKED the boxes. The big project and accomplishment for the day was getting the kitchen organized and all the dishes put away and setting up the furniture. It pretty much took all day...but along with the job of setting up house we also have two babies to take care of. We tag team keeping them occupied...Angel has been curious trying to explore all the boxes and of course finds everything she is not supposed to touch. She loves the buttons on the TV and equipment and has found her favorite....the volume button!! Luckily Megs had recorded many shows of Little Einsteins so that can keep her attention for awhile. Aunt Caitlin took her for a stroll around the city and found juice to buy and Angel loved pushing the buttons on the elevator and making faces on the reflective doors. There is a nice garden that is part of the complex and Caitlin took Angel there, she loved the water fountains. Caitlin also made a really long tunnel for Angel out of all the empty boxes!! Both of the girls took good naps which allowed for us to get a lot done during that time. Megs was cracking us up because everytime I would unpack a box and go to put things somewhere, I would ask where she wanted things to go or how she liked it. The main answers we got (with a very glazed expression) was "Sure, looks good" or "Wherever you think". Chuck it up to being overwhelmed and three months pregnant!! Hopefully she won't hate everywhere we put things when we leave. We had yummy NYC subs for lunch. In this complex where Megs and Chris live there is a trash chute a few doors down. Caitlin was taking lots of trash to put down it and was apparently fascinated by the sound it made traveling all the way to the bottom. She decided she would hold the flap open with her hand...that was until someone above our floor threw their trash in and BAM and OUCH, poor Caitlin's hand got smacked with a load of trash!! A friend of ours, Renata, is in NYC right now and joined us for dinner (yummy Italian) was good to see her and catch up with her since she recently got married. Uncle Chris and Caitlin took Angel to the garden again after dinner and she decided to follow a little boy's example and get in the she came back with wet shoes and socks, but very happy!! It is quite stuffy and warm as the AC units in the apartment are not working well or broken, except for the master bedroom which is now the baby nap room, so we had several fans running. Aunt Caitlin had shown Angel how to make noises in the fan and Angel amused us all with her fan screaming noises. We laughed so hard!! After such a busy, hot and long day you think the kids would have crashed for the night....but tonight was a really bad night. Both of them just wanted mama and I was playing tag team with getting one to bed and then the other...over and over. When they were both asleep, Caitlin and I chat a bit, take a deep breath and say "hurry, get as much sleep as you can!" Let's just say we had several bed buddies throughout the night....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say that the pictures of Angel yelling into the fan were my favorites!... but many other good pics and good story telling! Thanks for sharing the updates!...
