Thursday, July 9, 2009

22 Week Update

Today I had my OB appointment...everything looks good and I love hearing the heart beat. I was joking with my doctor that because we were not able to see my baby's little face (she was facing my back during the ultrasound and we couldn't get her to move) that I will just say I am having nightmares about her having one eye or something so that we can get another ultrasound. She laughed and said, "well, I am ordering another ultrasound!" Then I at first got worried that something was wrong. But she explained that baby's at this age tend to go in 90 minute sleep cycles and we might have just had the ultrasound during one of them, but that she likes to see a visual of the face and front of the head so she wants to have another one done at my next appointment. So in 4 weeks we get to see this little one excited as she will be bigger, we hopefully will see her little face and check again to confirm it is a girl....and my grandparents will be here so that might want to come too!!!! I also have to do the yucky glucola testing that day so at least the ultrasound will give me something to look forward to!!

1 comment:

megs said...

will i be there???