Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Birthday....of sorts...

Today is the birthday or anniversary date of when Angelica Rose entered the Church. Hard to believe it has been THREE years since she was baptized. We are slowly figuring out special ways to celebrate these days in our home. We will spend today watching her Baptism video, looking at her special Baptism Book, talking about it, saying a rosary offered up for her, have a special dinner while we light her Baptismal Candle and then a special Mmmmmint Chip Coldstone Ice Cream cake and sing "Happy Baptism Day" and have her blow out her candle until next year! I have ordered some faith focused or religious gifts and will always invite the godparents over...unfortunately one of them lives in VA so Grandpa we will miss you!!! Tonight she might get an extra special treat of going to watch her Aunt (alli verhofstadt) in another CSTOCK show, Seussical, the Musical. Saint Rose of Lima, Pray for her.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Just stopped by your blog. We like celebrating baptism anniversaries too! A good chance to teach the kids their faith ... and also eat more cake!