Friday, August 14, 2009

Bowling 101

The beach resort had a small 4 lane bowling alley so we decided to give it a go. We first headed to the park nearby and let the girls played while we waited for it to open. Angel is getting very brave with what she will attempt to try and play on now....makes mom a bit nervous sometimes!! Then it was off to bowl. We had one lane with the bumpers up so Angel could play and then another lane that my dad, Pepe, Megs, Alli, Michaela, Jason and I played on. I wasn't sure if Angel was going to enjoy it or not....SHE LOVED EVERY SECOND and played the entire time!!! We taught her to walk up to the line, spread her feet, place the ball and push hard....and she did great!!! She was so funny....she would watch it every time and wait to see how many pins she knocked down....and when she would get them she would jump in the air and cheer and then give everyone high fives!! So cute. She was definitely our little cheerleader and would do the same thing when we did well. She knew which ball was hers and by the end of the time was doing everything all on her own...including finding and carrying her own ball. Maybe we have a little bowler on our hands.....which that gene does seem to run in the Hartsell side of the family. Jason and I had not been bowling in six years and were not sure how we would do. I was having some great luck and doing quite well......even better than my hubby until the pressure was on and he started catching up. But great ending.....he scored a strike at the end of the game and ended up only being one point behind me and had another bowl to go. So I was joking (not really) and yelled "Gutter Ball" and guess what? It was!! So I ended up beating him by 1 point!!! We both broke 100 but my dad still came in first!! We need some more practicing!!! It was a lot of fun and we will have to take Angel again soon!!!

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