Friday, August 14, 2009

More Cousin Bonding Time

When we left Pac Beach we took the scenic drive through the Olympic National Park. We had wanted to stop at the Hoh Rain forest....but the weather wasn't great, we didn't bring strollers or rain with three little ones decided we needed to plan for that trip next time. The rest of the family headed home but we decided to extend the vacation a little bit. We stopped in Sequim and found a nice hotel for the night....with a POOL which is what the girls were excited about. We went out for a yummy dinner first and then went back to take a dip. The girls have only been in a real pool a couple times and so they were excited. Emma LOVES the water and thinks she can just take off. She loved the hot tub and swallowed a good amount of water walking down the steps thinking she could just go all the way on her own!! Angelica was still a bit timid and loved to SCREAM partly with excitement and part fear. So after awhile of getting to her to calm down and listen to me so she wouldn't swallow water...she did GREAT. The puddle jumper float we have is AWESOME. She finally let me let go and was swimming on her own. By the end of the night she was going the length of the long as we chanted "Arms out like a T, nice and calm" over and over. We were so proud of her and I know with more pool time she would do great! I loved being in the water because I felt so buoyant and so NOT pregnant! Albert was cute and loved the water as well.
The next day we checked out, did a little shopping in the cute town of Sequim (it is dangerous to let me and Megs go into a scrap booking-stamp store!) and then headed to Hurricane Ridge. Of course we picked probably the worst day to go as it was rainy, overcast and VERY foggy. It is a windy drive up and supposedly very beautiful.....we got glimpses of it on the way down since it had cleared some...but definitely need to do the trip again on a clear and sunny day! The big lookout on top was well, all fog! oh well, we enjoyed perusing the gift shop, the information lodge and grabbing some lunch in the cafe before we headed back down. We think it would be a lot of fun to go snow tubing there during the winter!!!
Where the view should have been!!
Notice the shirt, Grammy & Grandpa??
Emma LOVES Bears
This first video is Angel just trusting me to let her go on her own, and the second is when she was doing great and swimming the length of the pool!!!

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