Friday, August 14, 2009

Pacific Beach Vacation

After the wedding festivities, we headed off for a little vacation with the remaining family members. My dad had rented an Oceanside cottage at Pacific Beach Naval Resort. So my parents, grandparents, sister Alli & friend, my family and sister Megs and Albert all enjoyed a few days of fun activities, relaxation and recuperation. While the weather was a bit cooler than we would have "liked" we lucked out that it wasn't rainy and yucky the whole time we were there. It was so beautiful, quiet and peaceful and had lots to do. The girls loved the huge backyard to run and play in and mostly feed the seagulls all the remaining bread and french toast we had. Dad and Jason tried to get the kites to fly, Alli and Michaela enjoyed several COLD runs into the ocean, we found LOTS of sand dollars on the beach, the girls LOVED getting in the water and mostly building sandcastles (as did hubby!), and mostly just being together. The complex has a beautiful exercise room, hot tub room (it was HOT!), game room, restaurant and bar, gift shop, coffee shop, and a fun 4 lane bowling alley plus lots more. Wish hubby was still military so we could take advantage of this little perfect getaway more often. The cottage was beautiful, clean, spacious and stocked with everything you would need! If you have a chance to go, take it!!! Thanks dad, it was a great getaway! Some cute pics and videos to follow!
Too much fun!

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