Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Caitlin's HOT Rehearsal

Ok, so I am finally getting around to posting some of my sister's wedding weekend highlights and pics. My brother-in-law Chris took some fantastic pictures so the credit goes to him! I was too busy chasing my two girls and putting my swollen feet up to take many pics this time. We are also anxious to see what the other photographer took as we don't have any of those yet....which include all of our family pictures etc. Many of you know that we had a very HOT week or so here in Washington and of course it was the week of the wedding festivities. The rehearsal was on a Thursday at 4 pm and our church DOES NOT have AC. It was so HOT!!! I thought Emma was going to pass out from the heat and I thought my feet were going to pop they were so swollen! Father was very hot too so he really rushed through the rehearsal to get everyone out of the church before anyone collapsed. We all made it out in one piece. I was hoping to have some time practicing with the girls walking down the aisle and dropping rose petals, but it just wasn't holding my breath as to what would happen the morning of the wedding. Jason and Albert (our nephew and godson) bonding
Casey's mom, Audrey, found a GORGEOUS vacation rental house out on the Hood Canal that she rented for her extended relatives but she also decided to have a catered rehearsal dinner there. This place is called The Bend, and as you can see from the link and the HUGE and amazing. I literally got lost in it!! The food was yummy and my sister Alli and the Gray girls surprised Caitlin with two special 5 part harmony songs....I wish I had video taped it, they were beautiful. It was actually cold and very windy out there which was a welcome relief. Angel enjoyed helping Caitlin hand out gifts...she ate every strawberry in sight, and enjoyed playing with Audrey's cane. If anyone ever needs a beautiful spot for a family reunion....check The Bend out!!!
Love these pics of Caitlin and Albert
The happy...still engaged...couple
We actually managed to get a family picture!!
Angel excited to help Caitlin with the gifts
Caught with another strawberry and Audrey's cane
Caitlin and the moms....something was funny!!!
Attire for the singing entertainment
Sister Alli in blue in middle and Gray girls...amazing harmony and voices
My grandparents, Meme and Pepe, and sister Megs

1 comment:

caitlin said...

love the post...thanks for putting it up! I dont think I will ever get sick of seeing these pictures! seems like a dream still....not sure when I'll wake up! the pics of angel with the cane are hilarious!