Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quick Update

Wanted to drop in briefly to reassure everyone that we are fine....just been VERY busy lately. I hope to update on all soon....need to get pictures downloaded and time to post. We had family and out of town friends start arriving end of July. My sister Caitlin got married August 1st and is now Mrs. Sullivan. So between wedding festivities, family and friends in town, a small trip to the ocean.....we are slowly catching up and getting back to a "routine". My sister Megs and Albert left yesterday....the girls woke up this morning expecting to play with baby Albert and were quite disappointed that he wasn't around anymore...they loved having so much time with their cousin. Meme and Pepe (my grandparents) are here until next Tuesday so glad to have a little more time with them. It was great to see so many friends and family these past weeks...will post more details and pics soon!!!

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