Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan

Saturday, August 1st, was the big day. My sister Caitlin (7 years younger and for awhile the baby of the family) got married!!!! She is now Mrs. Casey Sullivan. The wedding service was beautiful and held at our church, Our Lady Star of the Sea in Bremerton. It is the same church that I got married in and then my sister Meghan last year, but it looks different now as it had a huge renovation last year. It was a hot day but at least it wasn't as bad as the rehearsal day....lucky the wedding was at noon!! We haven't seen all the pictures of the girls, me and my sisters, and the family pics because the other photographer took those....very anxious to see. But again, my brother-in-law Chris took some great shots!! The church was beautiful, decorated with the pew bows my mom made and all the sunflowers which was the official flower of the wedding festivities. The music was beautiful as well....our friends the Gray girls did most of the singing with my sister Alli doing the response and some friends also played instruments for Caitlin....just beautiful!! There were almost 350 people there so it was a little overwhelming!! It is always hard with little the time we get them up early to get all ready...then get to the church early enough to take pictures the time the ceremony starts Emma was already ready for her nap and a bit fussy. She of course fell asleep soon after it started and was hard to wake up for pictures afterwards. I walked down the aisle with them....and at the end of the ceremony I was just supposed to go up without the girls. But, a sleeping Emma was in my arms and when I walked up to the altar, Angelica followed right behind me and wanted to walk out too!! You never know what to expect with kids! They did very well. You can see in one of the pictures I tried to get them to walk down together...but Emma only wanted mama...I am lucky I didn't have to carry her!! Angel was really upset after the ceremony that she didn't get to drop her rose we had to go walk down the aisle and we gave them to the Blessed Mother. She was also confused as to why we were not going down for coffee and donuts, after all we were at church!!
Mom being walked in by still her TWO sons-in-law, Chris and hubby Jason
Sister Megs and happy nephew and honorary ring bearer, Albert
Albert decided to fall asleep right before he walked down the aisle
Me in the background trying to get Emma to walk down without Mama
No luck...a little overwhelmed by all the faces
Daddy and his little girl
Here comes the Bride
Our wonderful priest, Father Lappe
My THIRTEEN year old sister, Alli, singing response
Making those special vows
The rings
Mr. and Mrs. Casey Sullivan - first kiss
Making it official
Sweet Angelica trying to smile for all the pictures
The huge bridal party
The one pic so far I have seen of our family
Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan


Unknown said...

how beautiful! thanks for sharing the pics :)

caitlin said...

thanks for posting sis! can't wait to catch up soon...the condo is a DISASTER! and I spent the last two days in orientation, AH! :) love you!